League Info –

Winter Tuesday Trap and Ironman Starts 1/7/2025, See the Club Info Page for Contact details Club Info

Winter Thursday Skeet and 5- Stand starts 1/30/2025, See the Club Info Page for Contact details Club Info

Welcome to Skeet and Trap League Shooting

The chance to compete first against yourself and the opportunity to shoot with a team is great. The camaraderie and the chance to shoot with and observe other shooters can only help you to be a better shooter.

Stop out at the club to talk with the people who are actually shooting in a league. Any time the club is open you are sure to find a person who is involved with league shooting.
Feel free to contact anyone of the persons listed under the League Shooting Hours on the Club Info page for more information.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for a description of Skeet and Trap.

Skeet, Trap, Ironman and 5-Stand Leagues at BCSC

Skeet, Trap, Ironman and 5-Stand League Shooting takes place year round. We classify them as Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. Each league is a 15 week season and ends with a banquet (usually held at the club house) with a new league starting the following week.   The Spring Leagues starts in early May,  the Fall Leagues starts in early September  and the Winter League in early January.   Check the websites Events Page for the exact start times as we approach those dates,  or contact the League Manager to insure you can be in the next league.  

Skeet League is on Thursday evening. Trap League is on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
If your schedule won’t allow you to shoot every week please consider being a sub. Most teams rotate and make sure that the subs have opportunity to shoot.

Skeet League

We have a lot of fun shooting in the skeet leagues. Each league shoot requires 3 shooters. Teams usually have their 3 shooters and 1 or 2 substitute shooters.

Skeet League is scheduled for Every Thursday Evening

5-Stand League

We have a lot of fun shooting in the 5-Stand leagues. Each league shoot requires 3 shooters. Teams usually have their 3 shooters and 1 or 2 substitute shooters.

5-Stand League is scheduled for Every Thursday Evening

Trap League

A lot of fun is had shooting trap leagues. Each league shoot requires 5 shooters. Teams usually have their regular shooters and 1 or 2 substitute shooters.

Trap Leagues are scheduled for Every Tuesday and Wednesday Evening

Ironman League

Ironman League allows you to refine your shooting skills with a variety of targets. Each league shoot requires 5 shooters. Teams usually have their regular shooters and 1 or 2 substitute shooters.  Ironman League goes through weekly rotation of 5 different shooting sports. The rotation is Wobble Trap, Skeet, Doubles Trap, X-Trap, and 5-Stand.

Ironman Leagues are scheduled for Every Tuesday Evening

Central WI Skeet League

Club Calendar