REGISTRATION 9:00 – 1:00
PUBLIC IS WELCOME – Come see the club and what we have to offer. Lunch is included.
On February 3rd. The Club will be having a Chili Shoot to help break up our Long Wisconsin Winter. This is planned to be an event like the Club Shoot with Trap, Skeet and 5 Stand competition between club members. With a Chili Cookoff to take care of the winter Chill.
We will have a judged chili cookoff for the Club Members. Winners will get a BCSC Hat with the “Chili Champ” embordered on it. (These hats are nice). Name will be posted on a plaque in the Clubhouse. The Chilis will all be served as a free lunch to those that attend.
We will be needing Volunteers to help with this event. We are trying something new to give more people the opportunity to help, we have a volunteer sign up list. Please use the link to sign up for a couple hours through the day. We will have people to help you know what needs to be done.
The Brown County Sportsman’s Club hosted its annual Hangover Trap Shoot. 75 bird 16 yard event on New Years Day.
The Hangover Trap Shoot had 74 Shooters. They shot a 75 bird – 16 yard event on a cold and Cloudy day. Congratulations to Jeremy DeGrave and Joshua DeGrave, who tied for High Over All with a Score of 74.
The 5 stand event had 14 Shooters. They shot 25 birds on the Menu 1 presentations. Congratulations to Lee Fisher, who won this event with a 23 out of 25.
The drawing was done at the shoot for the Vortex Binoculars. Congratulations to Mike Krizizke of Two Rivers for winning these great Binoculars.
The Club had 20 Volunteers at the Club to make this event happen. Again thanks to this volunteer team that makes these events possible.
The Club wants to thank all the members that volunteered their time on the New Years Holiday to help with the Hangover Shoot. Here the list of those that helped out.
If I missed anyone I apologize and thank you as well. Some of the many tasks that were handled were:
A special thanks to those the work the background and are not always seen. Those are the ones that do Target Loaders, The Event Prep Work, Field Setup and Clean up.
Please thank these members when you see them at the club if you were not able to help.
If your New Years Resolution is to shoot better, getting out on a weekly basis to shoot Trap or Ironman is sure to help. Brown County Sportmen’s Club Tuesday Leagues start on January 9th.
Trap is a 25 bird – 16 yard league with a five man squad. Typically with one or two subs.
Ironman is a 25 bird – shoot with 5 man teams and goes through weekly rotation of 5 different shooting sports. The rotation is Wobble Trap, Skeet, Doubles Trap, X-Trap, and 5-Stand.
Come out on January 9th to sign up. Contact: Karen Konschake 920-619-2832