The 2018 Scholastic Clay Target Shoot on May 5th and 6th was a real success. Please read the letter below from Ken Weigel.
First of all, a big thank you to all who helped on this last weekends Scholastic Clay Target Program event. Secondly, to those who gave more than expected and more than their share, congratulations! You were all part of what was possibly one of the best shoots Brown County Sportsman’s Club has had in quite some time.
We hosted over 400 shooters, throwing over 63,700 targets between Brown County and Little Creek, and still kept a field available for club members that came to shoot open rounds. There were seasoned athletes who shot 300 rounds, along with others shooting in their first competition. The reason for these results? Working together. Its that simple.
Speaking from past experiences, I will never name names because of the chance I may leave someone out. We had exceptional help with marking and pulling, filling targets, keeping fields clean and garbage cans empty, food preparation and bar tending, participation in raffles and ticket sales, from setting up to putting everything away. Our volunteers were both members and non members along with parents and young athletes.
If you were not able to participate in our shoot, I totally understand. Many times life hands us more than we can handle in the time we have allowed. We are currently planning a fall shoot along with our annual wine and cheese event. If you would like to be part of any of these events, fell free to contact me.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our events calender at the club. Remember, membership involves participation.
Thanks again, God Bless
Ken Weigel
Head Coach, SCTP
President, Packerland Scolastic Clay Shooting Program